Digimon Card Game - Starter Deck Display ST18 Guardian Vortex (1 Deck) - EN PREORDER Release and shipping date: 13 September 2024 Key Features: Digimon Card Game - Starter Deck Display ST18 Guardian Vortex (1 Deck) - EN is a great way for new tamers to enter the world of the Digimon Card Game (TCG) or for existing players to acquire multiples of a versatile starter deck! Green Deck: The ST18 Guardian Vortex starter deck focuses on the color green, known for its focus on rest mode and continuous attacks. This strategy allows players to strategically tap (rest) their Digimon to activate abilities and keep the pressure on their opponent.Content:
Each Starter Deck includes 54 cards, including:
- 5 Common cards
- 5 Uncommon cards
- 3 Rare cards
- 3 Super Rare cards
- 6 Promo cards (2 of which are exclusive to the Starter Deck)